
Engagement is key. It's about connecting with youth, understanding their worlds, and making them feel valued. We create spaces where they can express themselves and be heard, fostering a sense of belonging and community.

Our aim is to equip young people with essential skills and knowledge. From practical life skills and leadership training to educational and spiritual guidance, we provide the tools they need to navigate life confidently.

Empowerment is our end goal. We encourage youth to take charge of their lives, make their own choices, and positively impact their communities. It's about giving them the confidence and means to turn their dreams into reality.

Our Youth Districts
The GBI Youth Ministries comprises three vibrant districts: Northern, Central, and London & South, each with its unique character and contributions. Together, these districts form a dynamic network dedicated to serving the local churches across Great Britain and Ireland. United in purpose, we strive to empower youth and young adults to grow in their faith, engage with their communities, and become compassionate leaders.

Tune into Prayer every Monday 6am.
Prayer is the foundation on which this Youth Ministry is built, and without it, nothing would stand. Our young people come together once a month on a national Zoom call to discuss relevant topics that educate and position them for greatness.
Weekly prayer is held every Monday 6am.
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Revival Starts with us!