Pastor Rashidi Collins was called to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ at an early age. Born in Kingston, Jamaica, Pastor Collins later came to America where he served in the United States Air Force. He eventually entered into full-time ministry at New Life Tabernacle UPC, under the leadership of Bishop Daniel M. Davy. Subsequently he was sent by Bishop Davy to plant Victory Tabernacle UPC in Tampa, Florida, where he spent over ten years building a great church.
Keynote Speaker
Rev Rashidi Collins

Rev Nathanael Davis
Praise & Worship Leader

Our Speaker:
Rev. J. Van Gorp
The Rock Church Brussels

Session Speaker:
Rev. J. Austin
Lighthouse Christian Ministries

For those flying in, here are the nearest airports to the venue:
London City Airport
Heathrow Airport
Gatwick Airport
Safe travels, and we look forward to welcoming you!

see you soon!

Live Concert with UPCI Music Saturday Night
Don't miss out— we're back for another unforgettable evening! Join us for an extraordinary live music experience with UPCI Music on Saturday night at GBIYC24. A night you won't want to forget!

Session Speaker:
Sis. P. Ellis
Bethel Christian Ministries UPC